Technical specifications

Technical specifications

Supported Platforms

Programming language

Minimum system requirements

2 GB of free RAM, 500 MB of free storage space

HTTP/S (using TLS1.2)

based on standard S/Mime V2 (RSA, 3DES, SHA1)

Private Key
key RSA (2048bits) generated by the participant from the integration SOFiE function

Issued by LuxTrust S.A.

"Connected mode"
For user having an Internet connection.The Sofie client can directly access Sofie's central server, hosted at Worldline Financial Services (Europe) SA, for exchanging files.

"Stand-alone mode"
For users without an Internet connection. This mode can only be used if you have another SOFiE installation within your company in "Connected mode".

SOFiE functionalities can be used in GUI and/or batch mode.

Complementary functions

  • Recognition and verification of structured files
  • file exchange context (Test, Production)
  • routing mechanisme SOFiE
  • verification of acceptance authorisations of structured files