SOFiE, the historical channel for your secure exchange of tax and financial data will support the common reporting standard (NCD or CRS) as early as the 1st quarter of 2017.
For more information on NCD/CRS exchange format, please visit the following page on the Administration des Contributions Directes website (only in french). (http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/echanges_electroniques/CRS_NCD/index.html)
You can consult the following article in our FAQ: "Does SOFiE support the exchange of NCD / CRS files?". -
SOFiE supports the FATCA report starting from version 5.07. The Administration Des Contributions Directes (ACD) is ready to receive these reports in his test environment and, beginning July 3rd 2015, also in his production one, as announced in this newsletter (in french only).
For more information on FATCA format, please visit the following page on the Administration Des Contributions Directes website.
The ABBL has released this newsletter on July 15th, 2015.
The current version of SOFiE complies with the ACD ECHA 3 circular. The package FATCA Basic allows the sending of FATCA files.
The package FATCA Saisie gives access to a FATCA report editor. The user guide is available here.
The SOFiE contract template for subscribing to FATCA is available here.
Technical information about these packages will be available soon. In the meantime you may check this FAQ item: "Does SOFiE support FATCA?".