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Third party participants

CCSS logo

Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale (CCSS)

Worldline Financial Services, (anciennement Six Payment Services Europe S.A. (SPSE, former CETREL S.A.) and the Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale have concluded an agreement as to which SPSE puts at the disposal of the CCSS and its affiliated companies the SOFiE solutions for a secure file exchange.

Data that can be exchanged with CCSS are documented on site web.

Affiliated companies profit of all other advantages surch as support, data validation etc of the SOFiE service.

Administration des Contributions Directes

CSSF logo

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier et Banque Centrale du Luxembourg (CSSF)

With the application of the directives CAD III and IFRS, a new format of the TAF reports had to be delivered to CSSF as of 1/11/2007.

The latter was followed by COREP (common reporting) and FINREP (financial reporting) reports in the beginning of 2008.

Four complementary modules have been developed to enlarge SOFiE functionalities, regrouped in a package called SOFiE S.O.R.T. (Secured Online Report Transmission) :

  • SOFiE TAF used for the control and transmission of the TAF report to CSSF, available as of October 2007
  • SOFiE TAF – GUI used for the manual input and correction of TAF reports,  available as of October 2007
  • SOFiE COREP used for the transmission and follow-up of workflow relating to the Common Report to CSSF destination, available as of November 2007
  • SOFiE FINREP used for the transmission and follow-up of workflow relating to the Financial Report to CSSF and BCL destination, available as of November 2007.

The SOFiE S.O.R.T. is based on the use of LuxTrust certificats and is commercialised by CETRELSecurities ( , subsidiary of Six Payment Services Europe S.A. (SPSE, former CETREL S.A.), dedicated to the integration and processing of financial data.


Multiple requirements of secure file exchange of financial data between banks are covered by the SOFiE applicaiton.

The automatisation of the installation allowed a rapid set-up and the simplicity and flexibility of the architecture contributed to the decrease of the cost of operation of the solution.